
bmmlboard can be used to visualize intermediate results stored on trace. Not all the intermediate result can be visualized via bmmlboard, since it is not always possible to find an useful representation of the result without knowing the specific scope of the visualization. In this case the user need to access to these data directly from the trace if a visualization is needed.

To run bmmlboard, simpy run the Ananconda propt and in the same python environment where bmmltools is installed simply run

> python -m bmmltools.run_bmmlboard

It is a streamlit based app (therefore it need a web browser to work) and organized in 3 different module. Once bmmltools open, specify in the main page the absolute path of the trace to inspect. On the menu’ on the left the available modules are listed. By clicking on one of them the different visualization tools can be used. For all the modules one need to specify the group name used in the trace to store the intermediate result. Some module require to select the dataset used as input data.

Label Visualizer

It is the module used to visualize the intermediate result produced by the operations listed below:

Segmentation Visualizer

It is the module used to visualize the intermediate result produced by the operations listed below:

Explainer Visualizer

It is the module used to visualize the intermediate result produced by the operations listed below: