Data and Trace

bmmltools is organized around two key objects:

  • Data: which is used to load external data;

  • Trace: which is used to store all the partials results, and more generally execute various task during the application of a series of operations to some input data.


Data is the python module used to load data in bmmltools. Input data are loaded and stored in an hdf5 file, saved in a folder selected by the user. Data is able to load may formats in different ways, which are listed below. Each of these input type has its own specific input method in Data which is indicated between parenthesis.

In addition to these, there are two main methods:

  • new, to create a new hdf5 file to store that data loaded. The hdf5 file will be create in a folder, specified in the working_folder field of this function. The code below show how to create a new Data object from numpy array

    import numpy as np
    from import Data
    # initialize a Data object
    d = Data()
    d.create(working_folder = r'[PATH TO SOME FOLDER]')
    # load data from a numpy array
    arr = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=10)

    With the code above, the content of the numpy array arr is stored in the hdf5 file in a dataset called x.

    There is also the possibility to specify the working folder directly in the data initialization. Keeping this in mind the initialization lines in the code above can be reduced to

    d = Data(working_folder = r'[PATH TO SOME FOLDER]')


    The name of the hdf5 file created by Data has a standard structure, which is data_XXXX.hdf5. XXXX is a 4 digits code which is randomly generated once the file is created in order to uniquely identify this file: these 4 digits are called trace code.

  • link, to link the data object initialized to an already existing hdf5 file (typically already containing some dataset previously loaded). To link an initialized Data object to an existing hdf5 file, one need to specify the folder where the file is in the field working_folder, and the data code (as string) in the field data_code.

    The code lines below show how this can be done.

    from import Data
    # initialize a Data object
    d = Data()
    # link an existing hdf5 file.'[PATH TO FOLDER WITH data_XXXX.hdf5 FILE]',data_code='XXXX')


    infodata is method of a Data object which can be used to print the current datasets present in the hdf5 file linked to it.


    This command is particularly useful to inspect a Data objects after linking to check the content of the hdf5 file linked.

Once Data object are created and filled with some input method or linked to some hdf5, the dataset can be used by specifying the its name within square parenthesis, as showed in the example before. After these square parenthesis one can use the slicing notation of h5py, which mimic the numpy slicing notation.


The line above print the 0-th element of the dataset called x present in the hdf5 file linked to the Data object. Alternatively one can use use_dataset , which can be particularly useful if the dataset have to be used many times. Consider the example below

# ...
# [creation and filling of a Data object or linking to an hdf5 file]
# ...

# select a dataset

# unselect a dataset
print(d['x'][0])     # <- This should work.
print(d[1])          # <- This should give rise to error.

In the code above, the dataset x is first specified, and then every time the data object is called the use of this particular dataset is assumed: the first two prints will print the elements 0 and 1 of the dataset without the need of specifying the dataset name two times. To “unselect” a dataset None should be given as argument of use_dataset. As showed in the example above, in this case one have to proceed in the standard way, as the two last line of code above should show.


Trace is the core class of bmmltoools. It is used to track all the intermediate results during the application of a series of operation, in automatic manner and without keeping these results in the computer RAM. Trace produces a series of file in a folder called trace folder, which is a folder created at a path specified by the user (see below). The trace folder has a standard name: trace_XXXX, where XXXX is a random 4 digits number (called trace code) uniquely identifying the trace. The files generated by Trace are listed and explained below.

  • trace hdf5: here the intermediate results are stored. This file is produced once the trace is created (see below) and is the file which can be linked to a Trace object.

  • trace json: here the trace graph, i.e. all the information to reconstruct the sequence of operations applied on a given trace, and the parameters of the various operations applied on the trace are stored in a dictionary-like format.

  • trace dill: here the initialized operation applied on a trace are saved as dill object once the application of them terminate (i.e. they are saved in the state they have at the end of the application on a dataset contained in the trace). This file is produced only if enable_trace_graph = True when the Trace object is initialized (this is the default setting).

When operations act on a trace they can produce a series of folders where various files are saved during the application on the trace. The Trace object is also responsible for the creation and organization in a standard way of these folder. These folders are organized as follows.

  • trace file folder, to save the intermediate quantities produced during the application of an operation. The path to this folder is standard (it is a folder called trace_files inside the trace folder) and can be obtained calling the method trace_file_path.

  • trace readings folder, to save the final result one has at the end of the application of an operation (i.e. possibly an intermediate result of the application of a series of operations). The path to this folder is standard (it is a folder called trace_readings inside the trace folder)and can be obtained calling the method trace_readings_path.

  • trace outputs folder, the output operations store the files produced in this folder when they are applied. The path to this folder is standard (it is a folder called trace_outputs inside the trace folder) and can be obtained calling the method trace_outputs_path.

Form a practical point of view, Trace works similarly to Data. More precisely, a Trace object once initialized needs to create or to be linked to an hdf5 file. Two methods are used for that:

  • create is used to create an hdf5 file (and a trace json too). To create an hdf5 file one needs to specify a folder where the trace folder is created. This is done by specifying the path in the working_folder field. It is also possible to specify the group where all the intermediate results are stored in the field group_name. By default the group is the root of the hdf5 file, i.e. the intermediate results are stored in the dataset /[variable_name]. When the group is specified, the intermediate results are saved at /[group_name]/[variable_name] . The code below show how to initialize a new trace.

    from bmmltools.core.trace import Trace
    # initialization with creation of necessary file of a trace
    t = trace()
    t.create(working_folder=r'[SOME FOLDER PATH]', group_name='[GROUP NAME]')

    It is not mandatory to used groups inside a trace but they can be useful: groups can used to give some internal organization to the hdf5 trace file, keeping separated intermediate results coming from different pipelines of operations, for example.

  • link is used to link an initialized Trace object to an already existing hdf5 file (and json file) containing the trace. To do that one needs to specify the path to the trace folder in the trace_folder field, and the name of the group (if any) in the group_name field

    from bmmltools.core.trace import Trace
    # initialization of a trace object with link to an existing trace folder
    t = trace()'[TRACE FOLDER PATH]', group_name='[GROUP NAME]')

Since a trace can be organized in groups, one can create a new group or change the group used to store the data. This can be done using the methods change_group and create_group whose meaning is self-explaining.


It is possible to specify in the trace the seed used for all the random steps of the various operations applied on the trace. This can be done right ater the creation/linking of an hdf5 file simply as showed below

t.seed = 5

Given a Trace object linked to some hdf5 file, one can initialize a new variable in the trace, recover the content of a variable tracked on the trace, or delete a variable using the python’s standard ways. The example below shows the basic usage of a Trace object.

from bmmltools.core.trace import Trace

# initialize a trace creating all necessary trace files
t = trace()
t.create(working_folder=r'[SOME FOLDER PATH]')

# add an initialized variable to the trace
t.x = 4

# recover a variable from the trace

# change value to a variable on the trace
t.x = 5

# remove a variable from the trace
del t.x
print(t.x) # <- this should give rise to error.

It is important to keep in mind that the variable x is in RAM only the time necessary to print it: for the rest of the time the variable is stored in an hdf5 file. This is particularly useful when one has to use many different variables containing data occupying a lot of RAM. Note that in the example above the whole content of x is loaded in RAM.

Finally, also Trace has a method to get information over the trace content, which is infotrace. This method can be used to get the names of the variables that are currently under tracking on the hard disk, the variable type, the groups available on the trace, and group currently used to store the variables.


Supported variable types

Trace is able to automatically store-read-delete variables on the Hard Disk (i.e. inside the trace hdf5 file) only if they are of specific formats. These formats are listed below.

  • Homogenous numpy array: namely numpy arrays of any shape and dimension hose elements are numbers and all of the same type, i.e. only boolean,integer,float or complex.

    import numpy as np
    # ...
    # [initialization and linking to an hdf5 file of a trace object]
    # ...
    # create an nd array
    arr = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(10,10,10))
    # store value of arr in x then erase from the RAM
    trace.x = arr
    del arr
    # read the whole x and print the content
  • Homogenous numeric dataframe: namely pandas dataframe whose elements are all of the same numeric type. The numeric types supported are the same of the previous data format.

    import pandas as pd
    # ...
    # [initialization and linking to an hdf5 file of a trace object]
    # ...
    # create an pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({'X':[1,2,3,4],'Y':[5,6,7,8],'Z':[9,10,11,12]})
    # store value of arr in y then erase from the RAM
    trace.y = df
    del df
    # read the whole y and print the content
  • Dictionary of the two variable types listed above: namely a dictionary whose keys are homogenous numpy arrays and/or homogenous numeric dataframe. One can read and write individual keys of the dictionary by using the methods read_dictionary_key and write_dictionary_key.

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    # ...
    # [initialization and linking to an hdf5 file of a trace object]
    # ...
    # create a dictionary to save
    dictionary_to_trace = {'x': np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(10,10,10)),
                           'y': pd.DataFrame({'X':[1,2,3,4],'Y':[5,6,7,8],'Z':[9,10,11,12]})}
    # store value of arr in x then erase from the RAM
    trace.dictionary = dictionary_to_trace
    del dictionary_to_trace
    # read the whole 'dictionary' and print the content
    # read just one key of 'dictionary'
    # write just one key of 'dictionary'
  • External link to dataset in other hdf5 files: it is used to avoid to copy the content of the input dataset which is present in Data object, saving space on the Hard Disk.


    This external link depends on the path to the Data object. Therefore if the content of the folder created by Data, where its hdf5 file is created, is changed, the external link would not work (see external links in h5py).

What does not fall in these categories can be added to a trace but its content remain in RAM.


The decision on where the variables are stored (in the hdf5 file or in RAM) is done automatically by Trace and cannot be selected by the user.